


Believing that technology is the solution to all our problems is like believing that you can change your entire life by simply putting a new outfit on. Technology is just the surface of human intelligence, not the essence of it. It imitates us and follows us in every aspect, but it’s not the real thing. Just like reality shows are not reality in itself, since they are a TV product like any other, technology is just a snippet of reality. And in the lifespan of an entire civilization, technology is always the last stage just before implosion or complete dismantling by another civilization. Today the entire world is under the spell of technology, therefore, the entire human race is in the final stage of its development. Relying on more technology to save us from technology and its authoritarian technocrats would be like trying to do the same thing, expecting different results—the quintessential definition of insanity.

Unfortunately, the use of techno-gadgets are becoming more addictive than sugar, and the way to live, especially for new generations. And for technology companies their interests supersede the interests of any country including their countries of origin. So this techno-heaven is becoming a techno-hell for most of humanity, since it’s more and more apparent that it lacks a sense of prudence and ethical parameters, so it foments any human behavior, even the most abhorrent, in the name of algorithms that produce the highest revenues.

The most troublesome individuals are the ones behind these intricate motherboards, who have become as unreliable, thin-skinned, and tantrum-prone as toddlers. It is as if the entire industry were lead by a bunch of monkeys with old-school razors in their hands. Would you get into a cage with them? Why not? You do it every time you engage with their platforms. Sooner or later you’ll going to get hurt, because there are no guarantees in that world, and nobody is going to have your back, not even the ones willing to, because they’re unable to do so (they live in the same world). Nobody is actually able to save you from yourself, except you.

The only way to exert some control in the technology world is first by seeing it as what it is: a means to an end, a tool, period. Second, by looking at the people behind those tools, who are just people: good with tools; not so good with people, therefore prone to authoritarianism. Third, by keeping in mind that technology is just the surface of things, what lies beneath is more than the puppet heads that we can all see—it’s their puppeteers. But not even these ring masters would have any power, if we didn’t feed them. There are technological tricks to bypass them, and I’m sure you know more than I do in that respect, but we still need a change in paradigm to be completely protected. We need to see human beings for who they are—hiding behind their religion, their partisanship, their elitism, and their technologies—looking for any excuse that exonerates them from any responsibility in their own cruelty, indifference, and even crimes committed.

I used to think that if people didn’t use drugs, we wouldn’t have drug-dealers. But today, thanks to technology, pain prescription drugs have become so concentrated and potent that anyone taking them can become addicted, and later, not being able to get a new prescription and/or because they run out of money, they turn to street drugs to the point of becoming homeless (Empire of Pain by Patrick Radden Keefe). For that reason, I’m reticent now to accept the oversimplifications I used to rely on. Yes, the responsibility is also on us, as individuals, but the main source of the damage caused comes from industries that have profit as the only purpose and value using technology to advance their objectives in an infinite loop, expecting more and more revenue each year with complete disregard for the consequences of their behavior. And if things go wrong they blame the individual for the “misuse” of it, or the government, or liberals for that matter, whatever they deem more suitable or more credible.

They rely on profit as a marker because they are unable to create value, due to their lack of intelligence, imagination, social abilities, and proficiency since they are lazy as hell. And their products are “social” in name only. They see people as cattle, and the ones they hurt are considered simple “collateral damage” in this their war against humanity.

Institutions and businesses, just as the individuals that command them, are able to engage in psychopathic behaviors and go on unchecked in most cases, simply because they are less susceptible to be found responsible and accountable for their acts due to the amount of money at their disposition.

Very few individuals have the knowledge and fortitude to face them and call on their abuse of power, for that reason, we need to pay attention to what is happening right now, since the more thinking heads surround these courageous individuals the more effective their plea can become. Knowledge in itself is power, and is based on the ability we have to pay attention, think with our own heads, and make informed decisions as a result in our everyday lives.

What we see in front of us on those highlighted screens is just the surface of things, what lies beneath is more than a bunch of criminals trying to steal our personal information and to invade our privacy, the main intent here is to brainwashing us into thinking that we cannot live without them, trying to drive the market by leading us, step by step, into a never-ending labyrinth full of nothing, as empty as Steve Jobs’s black box.

Don’t get me wrong, I love science and technology, and I deeply respect those who have devoted their entire lives to excellence in their respective fields. It’s true that they have also contributed to channel their efforts toward goals that are not within the scope of their own research and hard work. However, the most damaging parties are the ones that do not even see their responsibility in the deterioration of technological innovations that are harming people more than they are helping them.

Instead of helping us in the solution of our problems, technology is hindering our ability to socialize, arrive to a consensus, and finally make decisions that could solve some of our most pressing issues. On the opposite, in the hands of blind, inhumane, ambiguous, and indifferent individuals, technology is helping in the effort of obliterating everything we have achieved as human beings since our very early conception.

By the same token, technology is not everything, it’s just the surface of things, so if we become smart enough as people, we can actually see through it, read in between lines, and pinpoint where we went wrong and the responsible parties in all this mess, so we can finally see some accountability, and not only that, we can even steer this tool toward a different direction, one that considers us, the human race, and nature, its first priority to protect and to help foment creativity and human development. No one wants to live in a world of indifference, hatred, and greed. There is a part in us humans that it’s all about strengthening our links, because we know that unity is the only way to progress, so it’s our job to find the elements that we have in common, protect them, and cherish them. The natural divisions between peoples, such as race, class, level of education, and gender, we can overcome by simply focusing on something we all care about, such as our own preservation as a species.

There is no techno-heaven that can do that for you, on the opposite, this techno-driven world has the proclivity to become a weapon of mass-destruction.

I don’t know you, but I’ve met wonderful people in my life, and also dreadful ones, but the good ones come in bigger numbers and are worth saving. In my experience, the dreadful ones, well, they sort themselves out, self-destruct and dilute into what they really are: an absolute nothing. The good ones remain in us, and are a constant reminder of our own inner strength, perseverance, love for all things and for an unlimited imagination. Look around you, they are the reason we are still here giving everything we have for the good of all people in this country and around the world.

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