
From My Childhood to Our Last Day

Fort Worth Cultural District, Texas.

When I was working on the editing of the Italian version of my first book Lost in the Forgotten South (translated into Perduto nel Sudamerica), it became more and more difficult to reread it in Italian without missing my childhood, when everything seemed possible, everything was in its right place, and exactly the way it was supposed to be.

Now that I live in this country, the U.S., instead of feeling far away from my roots, they seem closer to me. Maybe because I’m the only one who understands who I really am; those around me can only perceive my external image. On the other hand, I’m the one constantly moving forward here, incorporating into my life everything that enriches it. In my opinion, we all are the sum of others, for that reason, being around this group of such diverse people is a pleasure to me, because the more points of view we add to ours, the more we can increase the knowledge of the world that surrounds us. My experience with this environment has made of me an even more introspective individual, and, simultaneously, it has made me happier and more connected to the rest of the world.

This is a country based on hard roots of pure pain, one that even today faces the most incredible difficulties. The challenges are deep, and the pain around is palpable. But the will to keep going forward, learning from its mistakes, is also present, and many find themselves looking for another way to live, one that can make more sense of the sacrifices and pain endured. We are in search of a life centered in the human value found in each one of us. The path is long, but not infinite, and every new day is deemed a new hope for a life that is pure life, where there is neither room for violence, nor greed. The future won’t be perfect, because none of us is, but will be reasonable, and the result of a massive intellectual development. For now, we have to find satisfaction in what we have been able to build so far, and all that we will, until our last minute in this world.

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